Beyond Algorithms, Beyond Machines…
國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系 郭大維特聘教授
10/26(六) ,9:00-10:00 @北館N100
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the integration of advanced algorithms and sophisticated machinery has paved the way for groundbreaking innovations. In this keynote speech, Dr. Kuo will explore the transformative potential of algorithms and machines in reshaping human-AI co-existence.
Foundation Models and Expert Systems
Foundation models, built on vast datasets and advanced algorithms, can be fine-tuned with domain-specific knowledge to create powerful expert systems. These AI-powered systems enhance decision-making across various fields by providing precise, data-driven insights, making specialized knowledge accessible and scalable.
Bridging the Virtual and Physical Worlds
The integration of AI with physical machinery, such as robots, AGV and manufacturing machines, creates a seamless connection between the virtual and physical realms and marks the next frontier. The key breakthrough is interacting with these machines in a natural way, democratizing access to technology and enabling intuitive human-machine communication. This opens up possibilities for enhanced productivity and innovative applications.
Co-existence and Collaboration
The fusion of advanced algorithms, domain expertise, and sophisticated machinery heralds a new era of human-machine co-existence. Embracing this synergy will unlock collaborative intelligence, enhancing human capabilities and fostering a harmonious future where technology and humanity thrive together.
UNICEF defines digitalization as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that safely empower children and youth in a technology-oriented world. Increasingly, youngsters play, socialize, study and learn, and participate in community activities on screens, mandating a degree of digital literacy. Questions abound about the impacts of technology on school-aged youth on social-emotional development, overall health and well-being, and knowledge and skill acquisition. This presentation provides a summary of research to date on digitalization and child development. In conclusion, discussion examines efforts by psychology to disseminate and apply relevant psychological science to parents, educators and policymakers in order to promote positive, effective use of technology during childhood.
Children and Digitalization: Psychological Science and Organizational Responses
Dr. Amanda Clinton, APA’s Office of International Affairs
10/27(日),09:00-09:50 @北館N100
這波AI浪潮帶來的科技革命大幅改變了人類生活和認知。人們除了對未來感到迷惘、對資訊焦慮、擔心工作被取代外,也可能過度依賴科技,導致專注力和自主性下降,孤獨而疏遠。AI 的發展起源於模仿人類思維,最初旨在解決只能由人類智慧處理的問題,其歷史與心理學的演進密切相關。1920年代的行為主義學說強調研究應只關注刺激和反應的關係,圖靈的圖靈測試也秉承同樣精神。現代機器學習演算法使用大數據和產出標記來訓練模型,無視中間歷程,類似行為主義。然而,認知革命推翻行為主義,激發了深入研究心智歷程的興趣,同樣地,「可解釋的AI」成為當前AI發展的趨勢。AI目前在一些特定領域已超越人類,未來方向是通用人工智慧,意圖更全面模仿人類。但AI能否達到人類心智的程度仍需心理學家關注。人類擁有AI無法企及的意識,特別是主觀感受的第一人稱現象意識。意識問題深廣複雜,學界對其理解仍不完善,但探討AI是否能達到人類同質意識經驗是重要議題。忽略身體和環境,僅關注大腦,可能使哲學家桶中之腦的思想實驗在AI系統中成為現實。在AI時代,更應培養具有體驗和關懷的人文精神,理解並珍視人類的獨特性,這是提升人類福祉的重要關鍵。
國立臺灣大學心理學系 葉素玲特聘教授
10/27(日),13:15-14:15 @北館N100
Some anecdotes about the early psychological history of Japan
東北大學/日本心理學會理事長 阿部恒之教授
10/27(日),09:50-10:10 @北館N100
Psychology was first described by Wundt in 1879. The young discipline spread immediately throughout the world. Japan also accepted it rapidly. The first psychological laboratory was established in 1904. Some years later, the Japanese Psychological Association (JPA) was established with the first convention on April 7, 1927. Several anecdotes have come to light with respect to this period of acceptance.
The first anecdote is the adventure story experienced in real life by Tanenari Chiba, Tohoku University's first psychology professor, while obtaining the Wundt library. The next anecdote explains aspects of the close relationship between Pavlov and Chiba’s colleague, Yasutaro Satake. I am very gratified to be able to introduce these interesting stories along with rare photographs of their life and times.